Monday, February 17, 2014

                                                   "NUTRIENTS IN FOOD"

 I will begin each session with four true or false statements, okay? You will find the answers at the bottom of the page.  Number 1.  It is possible to have an appetite without being hungry.  2. Vitamins and minerals supply calories.  3. Healthy diets cost more than unhealthy diets. 4. Milk is such a perfect food that it alone can provide all of the nutrients a person needs.

Since I have laid down the foundation for good health in the last session, today I want to discuss 'The Nutrients In Food.  What is food?   Food is any nutritional substance that people eat or drink in order to sustain life.  Food causes your body to function, grow and repair itself. The food choices you make can affect the efficiency of these processes. 

What are nutrients?  Nutrients are substances obtained from food. They are used in the body to promote growth, maintenance and repair.  There are six classes of nutrients; carbohydrate, fat, protein, vitamins, minerals and water.  Essential Nutrients are nutrients that the body must get from food because the body cannot make it for itself.  Carbohydrates, protein and fat supply the energy that the body uses as fuel.  

In contrast, vitamins, minerals and water do not supply energy but perform other tasks, such as maintenance and repair.  Each gram of carbohydrate and protein consumed supplies your body with 4 calories. Each gram of fat provides 9 calories.  Energy is measured in calories, which measures how fattening foods are. If your body doesn't use or release the energy obtained from food - soon after you've eaten it - it stores that energy as body fat for later use.  If a person eats excess amounts of protein, fat or carbohydrate regularly, the stored fat builds up over time and leads to overweight and obesity.  

Unlike carbohydrate, fat and protein, vitamins and minerals do not supply energy or calories. Instead, they regulate the release of energy and other aspects of metabolism. There are 13 vitamins and each has a special role to play. Vitamins are divided into 2 classes–water-soluble (the B vitamins and vitamin C) and fat-soluble (A, D, E and K).

Your skeleton provides mobility, protection and support for the body. It also stores minerals and other nutrients. Though they appear hard and unyielding, your bones are actually constantly being reabsorbed and reformed by your body. Calcium is the most abundant mineral in your body and is found in your bones and blood. Along with the minerals phosphorus and magnesium, calcium gives your bones strength and density. This mineral also builds and maintains strong, healthy teeth. 

Often neglected but equally vital, Water is the medium in which all of the bodies processes take place. Some 60% of your body's weight consists of water, which carries materials to and from cells. Water also transports hormonal messages from place to place. Without water you can only live a few days.

The key to disease prevention and optimal health is not in eating or avoiding a certain food, but rather creating a lifestyle that includes time for preparing nutritious meals and enjoying regular physical activity.  Statistics prove that people who eat nutritional foods such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts and whole grains, have reduced risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancers and other chronic diseases.  Your health deserves your conscientious attention.  I ate my way back to health.... So can you.

START NOW.... I want YOU to focus on eating a low calorie diet and PRACTICE calorie control!!                                  EXERCISE everyday.    

Answers: 1. True. 2. False, Only protein, carbohydrate and fat supply calories. 3 False, People can save money when eating healthy. Compare your healthy food bill to a typical visit to the doctor or the emergency room.  4. False,  Milk contains nutrients such as calcium and protein, but it has very small amounts of iron and several other essential nutrients.                                       *** See you next Monday. 

Monday, February 10, 2014

"The Foundation For Good Health"

I want to begin this session by laying a foundation for good health.  What is health and what does it mean to be healthy?  Health means the absence of disease. Disease means the absence of ease. The root meaning of health is wholeness. To be whole is to be complete.  Something whole represents perfection and balance.  When everything is in balance the magic of wholeness can express it.   

      Our bodies are very resilient. We live in a world filled with toxins, germs, carcinogens, stress, emotional turmoil, etc.  These things can easily knock us off balance. If you learn to make healthy food choices, the bodies internal resilience will not allow you to be knocked down for very long periods of time and recovery won’t become an auduous task.  Healthy eating and developing good dietary practices allows for interacting with carcinogens without getting cancer,  interaction with allergens without developing allergies and interacting with toxins and not getting harmed.  We must cultivate this quality of balance and resilience, so we can navigate through the world and live a qualitative life.

      Health and healing does not come from the outside but originates from within.  Your body wants to be healthy, it's natural.  It’s a God given right.  Nature is on your side when the body is out of balance.  It takes more energy to be sick and out of balance then it does to be balanced. The key is to unblock and remove those obstacles so that nature can return the body back to the balance point.  Healing means to make whole again.  Your body is ‘your’ humble servant.  It desires to please you! Treatment suggests doing something. The goal of treatment is to promote healing- however- treatment happens from outside the body whereas healing happens within.  Join me on this journey back to nature.  I ate my way back to can you.

Monday, April 22, 2013

"I ATE my way BACK to HEALTH, So Can You"

I ate my way BACK to HEALTH: Welcome to my Blog.  You have found your home in a...:

      Welcome to my Blog.  You have found your home in a friendly place.  My name is Jamie Morgan Brown and I am a certifed Nutritionist & Wellness Practitioner. My objective for this blog is to Educate and Motivate people, to make healthier nutritional changes and choices, to live a qualitative life.  All are welcome, however, my Primary Audience are those that want and need to make healthier dietary changes ... but don’t now where or how to begin.  The time to get your life back is Now!  Take care of your body today and tomorrow your body will take care of you!  There are three things that cannot be hidden ... the sun, the moon and the Truth!  The Truth is....YOU can do it, if you do the work! 

  My new  book, "I ATE my way BACK to HEALTH, So Can You"  has a 5 STAR rating and GREAT reviews on Amazon.  The Foreword, is written by the Iconic public figure, Dr. Myles E. Munroe.
       I'm a firm believer that food can cure ANY disease!  In 2008 I was diagnosed with having a rare Brain Tumor, cancerous. Neurosurgeon Sanjay Gupta MD, along with a team of skilled practitioners, restored my life.  I had to make serious dietary changes -- I did!  Nutrition inspired me to value the life that was restored. I'm a firm believer ... that food can help cure disease! Your health is a God Given Right! 

       Please feel welcomed to share information that will inspire Healthy Living & Wellness.  "Each one Teach one! 

Welcome to my Blog.  You have found your home in a friendly place.  My name is Jamie Morgan Brown and I am a certifed Nutritionist & Wellness Practitioner. My objective for this blog is to Educate and Motivate people, to make healthier nutritional changes and choices, to live a qualitative life.  All are welcome, however, my Primary Audience are those that want and need to make healthier dietary changes ... but don’t now where or how to begin.  The time is now -- Right Now to get your life back!  Take care of your body today and tomorrow your body will take care of you!  There are three things that cannot be hidden ... the sun, the moon and the Truth!  The Truth is....YOU can do it.